Chiropractic Care Naturally Helps Colic

Sacramento Chiropractor Helps Babies with Colic

We love our tiny patients at Barham Chiropractic!

Most people don’t know that chiropractor adjustments can help babies with constipation, gas, colic and many other issues.

Here is a photo of Dr. Barham at our Sacramento CA Chiropractor office adjusting our youngest patient. (so cute!)

We wrote this article with the intention of helping parents understand how helpful adjustments for their newest family members can be, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out.

What’s Colic in Infants and Babies?

Colic is a painful condition in which a child cries a lot for no clear reason. In babies, it might look like they are having terrible stomach pains.

But you shouldn't worry about it. It's not dangerous, and there's no proof that it causes any long-term problems. You don't have to worry that Colic will hurt your baby. Most of the time, it should be gone in a couple of weeks.

In fact, it's not suggested to give medications.

Pretty often you can just give the baby some time (and cuddles), and the Colic will go away on its own.

However, if the crying seems to be too much and getting worse, call us a call at Barham Chiropractic during office hours.

We would love the opportunity to help.

What Causes Colic?

It’s difficult to say exactly what causes colic, because there can be one or many contributing issues that can cause your baby to have colic.

However, many authorities in healthcare think that colic starts in the gut.

That makes perfect sense because (PREPARE FOR A FUN FACT) the word "colic" comes from the Greek word "kolikos".

What you probably didn’t know is that "kolikos" means "suffering in the colon" .

That explains why many authorities in healthcare think that colic starts in the gut.

There are several other potential causes for colic according to healthcare experts but below are the top 3:

TOP 3 likely causes for colic (according to experts)

  1. Healthcare experts also think Colic can be caused because the baby is sensitive to food (usually breast milk or formula milk) or has acid reflux.

  2. Another reason experts consider is that the baby's digestive system not being fully developed yet, and it's not unusual to have trouble digesting.

  3. Colic could also be caused by being around people who smoke tobacco. Women who smoke during pregnancy are twice as likely to have a fussy baby as women who don't smoke.

What we found at Barham Chiropractic is that babies’ often need a subluxation corrected somewhere around their T-4/5/6 vertebrae, which helps with the babies digestion. We have had babies stop crying immediately after adjusting the thoracic vertebrae misalignment.

How Do I Know If My Baby Has Colic?

A healthy baby may have colic if he or she cries or fusses for several hours a day for no clear reason. Babies who are colicky usually cry from 6 p.m. to midnight. When a baby is colicky, their cries are louder, painfully high-pitched, and sound a lot more urgent than normal cries.

Calming colicky babies down can be very hard, and unfortunately sometimes not even possible for parents.

5 Signs Your Baby May Have Colic

  1. Your baby cries a lot and for no obvious reason. These crying sessions can last for a few minutes or even hours. They may happen around the same time every day, usually in the late afternoon or evening. Your baby's face may become red and flushed while crying.

  2. You might notice that your baby's posture changes while crying. They may clench their fists and have tense stomach and back muscles, making their back appear arched.

  3. Colicky babies have trouble sleeping. They may sleep for a little while and then wake up crying. This cycle can keep parents up for hours.

  4. Even though your baby usually has no problems with appetite, during colic episodes they may eat irregularly.

  5. During crying episodes, your baby may also pass gas.

Finding Out If Your Baby Has Colic

To check if your baby has colic, a doctor will look at your baby's body and make sure your baby doesn't have any other health problems.

You don't usually need to take a stool or blood sample to test for Colic. Instead the doctor checks if there's something blocking the baby's stomach.

If the baby is otherwise healthy, the doctor may say the crying is colic.


You should not try to treat your baby for colic without talking to a doctor first because sometimes other issues can be confused with colic.

At Barham Chiropractic we recommend you consult a doctor before starting any medical treatment on your baby.

How Do You Get Rid of Colic in Babies?

You don’t usually need to treat colic. But if you believe your baby’s situation needs a bit of intervention, talk to your doctor.

That being said, you may find it helpful to have a soothing strategy for your baby.

Some soothing strategies you can use to soothe your baby are: (We arranged these in the order that works best for us)

  • Using a pacifier

  • Taking your infant for a car ride or on a walk in a stroller

  • Walking around with or rocking your baby

  • Playing an audio of heartbeats or quiet, soothing sounds

  • Providing white noise by running a white noise machine, a vacuum cleaner or clothes drier in a nearby room

  • Dimming the lights and limiting other visual stimulation

  • Swaddling your baby in a blanket

  • Giving your baby a warm bath

  • Rubbing your infant's tummy or placing your baby on the tummy for a back rub

If you use all of these and your baby still suffers from colic, we strongly recommend you reach out to us during office hours.

We would love to see if we can help you get back to peace and quiet!

Can a Chiropractor Help Your Colicky Baby?

Yes, Chiropractors can help your colicky baby. Chiropractors can often help babies by correcting a thoracic vertebrae misalignment. According to a 3-month long scientific study conducted in 2012, chiropractic care may significantly improve colic symptoms.

This is usually music to our patient’s ears. (as opposed to loud infant crying)

The study found that 94% of subjects experienced improved colic symptoms after the 3-month-long chiropractic care program, and many experienced a lot of change throughout the entire process.

One of the reasons why chiropractic care can help colicky babies is that chiropractors use drug-free methods to address spinal misalignments, which are known as subluxations.

When the spine is misaligned, it can negatively affect nerve signals and other parts of the body's functioning, potentially leading to pain and discomfort, including colic symptoms.

By realigning the spine, chiropractors can help restore balance and improve the nervous system's functioning, reducing colicky symptoms and promoting overall health.

How Long Does It Take For Chiropractic Care To Help Colic?

We have had our tiny patients stop crying immediately after adjustments. Other babies passed wind or had a dirty diaper which caused them to get immediate relief. The studies show that chiropractic care can have a major difference in three months, but that simply is not what he have experienced consistently at Barham Chiropractic. We almost always have had results sooner.

Looking Chiropractor for Colic Relief for Your Baby?

Look no further. The proven chiropractors at Barham Chiropractic are here to help with your babies’ colic. We’ll pair you up with a specialist right away so your child can get the colic relief they need.

If you are ready to have peace and quiet again, please call us during office hours or sign up for our New Patient Offer.

We would love to help.

Clinically reviewed by Steven Barham, D.C.

— Updated on April 04, 2023

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