The Key To Getting Older The Healthy Way (5 minute read)
“A man is as young as his spinal column”
Joseph Pilates (Your read that right), the literal inventor of The Pilates method of physical fitness made the claim above.
He also said: “If your spine is stiff at 30,” he once said, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young“.
At our Sacramento Chiropractor Office, we go out of our way to help our patients increase their quality of life and have more ease of movement.
We may have patients come to treat back pain but keep coming because of how well they can move.
So as part of our care, we wanted to share with patients the keys to getting older the healthy way.
Top 3 Keys To Healthy Aging
Healthy Food (and supplement where necessary)
Eating a balanced diet can make a significant impact on the symptoms of aging. Aside from the obvious weight management benefits, eating healthy can help increase the antioxidants in your blood which can prevent damage to your cells.
Exercise (and consider adding chiropractic care for mobility and spine health)
Exercise is huge! If you are able to train like Joseph Pilates you will certainly have an amazing quality of life way into old age.
The thing is, often small injuries (or even exercising) can cause misalignments and lead to injury. On the other hand, getting regular chiropractic care can increase mobility and reduce recovery time, which can keep you in the game.
Sleep the right amount
We usually recommend patients get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep.
Although this may seem like common sense, you would be SHOCKED at what a difference sleep can make on your health.We often have patients who are not able to sleep (due to back pain) experience a dramatic improvement in health when they are able to sleep pain-free.
BONUS: Positive Mental Attitude
Having a positive outlook, being optimistic, and hoping for the best is one of the keys to living a longer, healthier, and better life. Positive emotions can directly affect your health by helping the immune function and can even have a material impact on your posture and overall health.
It’s important to enjoy the little things.
It’s important to be around loved ones.
It’s important to be happy.
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Clinically reviewed by Steven Barham, D.C.
— Updated on March 24, 2023
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